Thursday, October 25, 2012

Due Monday, October 29th - Hypothesis, variables/control, procedures and materials

SAMPLE Paper Towel Project
Hypothesis, Variables, Procedures and Materials
Hypothesis - If I test 3 different brands of paper towel (Bounty, Brawny and Viva), then the Viva paper towel will be the most absorbent.
Independent variable – The independent variable is the brand of paper towel used in the experiment.
Dependent variable – The dependent variable is the amount of water the paper towel holds.
Constant Variable – The constant in the experiment are the containers used, the amount of water from the eyedropper, and the number of paper towel sheets.
1 roll Bounty paper towel
1 roll Brawny paper towel
1 roll Viva paper towel
rubber bands
Drop Test
1.             Place towel A over the container and wrap tight with a rubber band.
2.             Fill the eyedropper with water.
3.             Place the bottom of the eyedropper directly over the paper towel and drop one drop at a time keeping   count.
4.             Stop as soon as you see water leaking into container.
5.             Record the number of drops in the data table. Repeat steps 1-5 for 2 more trials.
6.             Repeat steps 1 – 5 for paper towels B through E.
7.             Rank the paper towels from the one that absorbed the most drops (#1), to the one that absorbed the least drops (#5)

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