Saturday, September 29, 2012

Using Vocabulary to Improve Comprehension - A Vocabulary Journal

Logophile is Greek for lover of words and this year I am almost sure that my students will adore using new words when they speak and write. My soon-to-be logophiles are documenting unique words in their vocabulary journals each week. In these journals, students are required to collect 5 rare new words and describe their meaning through any creative means. Sure, they can resort to vocabulary webs if they would like, but the more creative the presentation, the better their grade will be.  So go on, listen carefully and catch those new words in your vocabulary net...eclectic, facetious, ludicrous, lackadaisical...

P.S. PICTURES will be posted next week.

P.S.S. Giving credit where credit is due. This is my favorite teacher website:

                            Yaelle's Halloween Words

Nia's Words


 Mrs. Martens' sample page from the journal.

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